So today...for fun...and learning of course...we set up our own Twigg store...the boys took turns being the cashier and shopper and counted out paper money...they had a blast...then I had them buy real things like cookies, juices and crackers for was fun...I was the cashier and Evan was the bag boy...
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
What a handsome bag boy you have there...
So today...for fun...and learning of course...we set up our own Twigg store...the boys took turns being the cashier and shopper and counted out paper money...they had a blast...then I had them buy real things like cookies, juices and crackers for was fun...I was the cashier and Evan was the bag boy...
"Leaf" that alone
Ok so I say all day long...Leave Evan Alone...
Leave Evan Alone...
The boys are always in this poor kids Evan eats them...
Our leaf rubbings tree...don't ask about the blue leaves...I have no explanation...
This week we are studying's some pics...Ben's study on leaves...and the good old celery experiment
Funny fact...Ben's predictions...accurate...Jake's prediction...went something like this...
Jakey what do you think will happen to the celery...Jake says...daddy will eat it with peanut butter!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Catching up for Lost Time
It's so horrible that it takes a loss in the family to bring you closer together...

Shawn and his brother for as long as I've known them have never been close...yeah they
loved each other and would do anything for each other but in all honesty I've rarely heard them enjoy time together or desire to be together for more than holidays...
Lately, they are inseparable...I don't know if it was the loss of their father or if they are just getting older but I'm loving it...
Jessica and I are becoming closer and the boys...well they are just each others best

I always loved to spend time with my cousins and it blesses my heart to see them have so much fun together...
Nana Lu bought these cork guns and gave them to the boys today...they had so much fun shooting them (mostly at Nana) are some pics from our family fun!

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Warning this is one of those read with caution these are just my thoughts statements...don't be offended...this is something I have walked out in the last two weeks and want to blog about for other and to remind me in the future my thoughts and revelations...
So yesterday the boys were watching a Larry Boy-Veggie Tales cartoon called The Rumor Weed...she sings a little song...I'm the Rumor Weed...a tiny little story is all I need to make a big mess out of everything...
Whoa would that preach! God's really been revealing to me the extent of my nosiness...I've always considered myself to be a person that doesn't get into everyone's business and I'm the first to judge someone who does...but the Lord has really been revealing my me! Thank Goodness he's not a rumor weed...anyway...
I hear this statement several times a week...
Have you heard or
I figured it was a small town and you've heard
I'm surprised you haven't heard yet...
Sometimes I am the most CLUELESS person of all...I have no clue what's going on in the lives of folks around me...I usually knock that up as a bad thing that I'm not sensitive to those around me. In contrast I'm beginning to think that is somewhat of a good way to be. Usually someone can be talking about something right in front of me and I block them out...and that all being said God still revealed to me MY NOSINESS...MY HAVE YOU HEARDS...and this is something I want to work on in my own life and something I hope y'all do it necessary to even say "have you heard"...chances are you weren't on a need to hear basis or you would've already heard...
So this week I tried something new and I'm loving it...when someone says have you heard or gives that awkward pause while they're waiting to spread some news...I just said nope I haven't but I really don't want to...or I don't respond to their awkward pause...
Y'all don't take this as anyone or any situation in particular...this has been with Shawn's dad's estate drama and several family situations as well as this wonderful tiny town I live in here in if you're wondering...I really don't know and if you ever want me to know...better tell me yourself...cause I"m gonna keep being clueless and wait for God to tell me who to talk to and increase my sensitivity to the people he wants me to reach...
We christians chalk it up to needing to know in order to pray...if we are hearing from God he will talk to us and say...this person needs you right them...and if your mind isn't so clouded by the junk around us...WE JUST MIGHT HEAR HIM...just a thought...don't shoot me!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sun sun Mr. Mustard Sun
Oh the mother I poor children...
For school we were to make a sun...4 ft. wide and then an earth and moon 1/8 in. and 1/4 in. and paint them...then walk out the steps of how far away we are in relation and size...
I's yellow...
Kids loved it until our house smelled like mustard and the hands smelled like mustard the WHOLE DAY!
And kids are in their underwear as usual...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
BLAST off...
Life as we know it
If I take about ten steps back and look at the world around me I am so surprised God hasn't set this place we call earth ablaze...I mean we literally worship every other idol but Him.
I clocked my hours on the internet a day and although I post things several times a day it's kind of a on and off thing...but yesterday I clocked my time on the internet I spend about 40 minutes on the internet give and take every day...
How much time do I give my heavenly father...about 40 minutes give or take in one on one time a day...WHY I ASK?
What if life as I know it was changed...what if I had no internet, no cell phone, just me and the world...would I spend my days the same...I'm not sure.
Interesting to think about...
My prayer today...
God keep me on the straight and my words be yes or no based on your commandments and me to not compare myself to my brothers and sisters in the me to communicate your love through the "internet"...may my words be an offering of praise to you...may I only say what would "build others up" instead of tear down...may those who read my posting and see my photos and blogs see you...not me...see your up the doors for me to share our communication ways have changed and now include the internet may my communication to others show you...shine your light...
Scriptures to ponder:
1 Thessalonians 4:9
Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 10 And in fact, you do love all of God’s family throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more, 11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Galations 6:4
New International Version (©1984)
Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else,
Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Ceiling Fan So many purposes
Ok so Ben had a friend over today and we decided to make some rocket little brainiac was not happy with just having a rocket ship...we must have space and the earth and the I got this crazy idea to use my ceiling fan...we hung the earth on the light and the moon on a blade of the fan...turn the fan on low and it shows a semi-accurate moon rotating around the earth...the boys had a blast chasing after the moon with their rocket was hilarious!! Meanwhile Evan just sat their staring as if to say someone save me from this craziness I was born into.
Funny sayings today:
Jake says while laying on my belly...mommy...I think there is a monster in your belly...I said really what did it say...Jake's response "I don't speak monster"
Mommy...I eats chicken cause it tastes's yummy cause I eat it
Why you clean my woom mommy...I can't find anything
How comes in school they don't have chores and we have chores at school...I said you would have chores even if you went to school...he said oh yeah...that's true...Later that day...If I "let you" send me to school can I not do chores...I said you don't have to do chores now but if you don't do them you don't get paid...then bring on the work mommy...I need that money...
Ben says to Evan...when you get bigger I will show you how to do some really cool things like drive and work and stuff...oh wait I don't know how to do that yet.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Salyards Family Reunion
My Grandma Marge (Mills) Salyards...had 13 brothers and sisters. Can you imagine having that many children...I remember asking my great grandma how they went places...she said they walked everywhere like a bunch of ducks...Grandma is a huge inspiration to me...grandma marge that was not easy for her...she grew up in a large family caring for her younger siblings and then got married to my pap. They had five children...FIVE...can you imagine...Pap and Gram had a rough life that changed pretty drastically after they came to know the Lord and then became pastors...and I can attest that is not an easy calling...but gram is always smiling, happy and fun loving. She can make light of every situation and always offers hope that it will get better...I just adore her...
Every year there is a Mills reunion with all her sisters and brothers and I have not been to one in many was kind of sad how few folks were there. Many of them have passed on. I remember going to these with so many people...even my senior year of high school there was just so many people...this time not so much...not even my own aunts and uncles were able to all make it...we had a great time though and the most memorable experience was my grandma playing in the creek with my kids. Grandma is my earthly hero...she shows LIFE always...and really truly has the JOY of the's some pics:

football and babies
So tonight we took our babies to see the PSC babies...some baby horses....oh they were so cute...and then FOOTBALL...
What is so funny is how my "very sleepy" hubby as soon as he hits an open field with his boys turns into a big play mountain...they had so much fun...wish I could bottle up the cuteness...
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
All in the name of education...
So Ben's lesson this week was on the sun. We scheduled a field trip to Rocky Gap to watch the sun go down over the lake and chart it's was so much fun. We nearly cancelled the trip because the temperature had dropped to 60 and we were not prepared but I scavenged my trunk for whatever I could find to keep us warm and off we went. Nana came's to her I owe the thanks for these awesome pics...and the idea of stopping by the Cumberland Zoo.
Here are some pics of our adventures...what a wonderful day!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Missing are u
I am missing tonight...
Missing the youth at Keyser Assembly and the three or more times a week that I would see their smiling faces and hopefully make them smile or encourage them...I know y'all are doing great and are on the verge of something amazing...a different new level but just so you know I am missing you...
Missing my hubby being home...lots of duty lately and very very late nights...the man works so hard and handles crisis upon crisis daily and still manages to have the Joy of the Lord...pretty impressive...
Missing my grandma today as I saw my two little guys squirt their nana with a hose while washing her car in the driveway...I remember washing grams car and "accidently" turning the hose on her...
One thing I'm not missing though is Hope that God knows what he is doing and is right now preparing the hearts of the youth and children he wants to use me to minister to...
I'm not missing the Faith that my family will get through this grieving of one of pappy JR...
I'm not missing the Joy that these babies bring to my life daily...
or the LOVE that God shows me even when I'm a whiney child...
or the Peace that He gives that is going to cover me and my family tonight...
Have a great night y'all just some thoughts on the MISSING...
Are you you have a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus...if or message me right now...don't let it go another minute...pray this you won't be one of His missing children...
God I want to know you more...Lord Jesus...please forgive me for my sins...heal my brokeness...make me new and whole again...come into my can have my thoughts...take control...I make a commitment today to follow you and keep your commandments...I believe you died on the cross and rose again to save me from my sin...Cleanse me today I pray...I desire you...In Jesus name I pray...AMEN!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Jake's illegitimate fears
Jake has developed many illegitimate fears that seem to come and go as he pleases...
First it began with his fear of movie theaters...he loathes them...but wants to go because Ben is going and then gets in there and screams.
Then it was bugs...any kind of bugs from flies to spiders...they are going to eat him and he is terrified...
Dogs...these things will cause Jake to scream as if T Rex himself is chasing him.
Then it was balloons...declaring that he WILL NOT have BALLOONS at his Party...
Oh and the fear of Chucke Cheese or any singing animal or person in a costume...'s THE SUN...GEEZ OH PETE'S...It's driving me crazy...anyone have any advice message me please!
Sun Paintings
Ben's unending dialogue
So...Ben is a constant talker and the more he finds out about the world the more he wants to tell you about it...some examples:
"Mom where does lightning come from and what is it light or is it it energy...where does it start...what color is it...can it hurt you...why do we have lightning..."
"Mom did you know you can run and put your hands on the couch and flip your legs up in the air and your body will go up...why?"
"Jacob did you know that the water that's in our bath comes through pipes down in the ground...then he gets a very high pitch voice and says isnt that cool"
"Mom do you know about the see there are these planets and they move around and then the moon moves around the earth (this is before my lesson by the way) and mom do you know what we could do that this is what I want you to do I'm the you walk around me and Jacob you walk around mommy (so I did it) and he taught the lesson...hehehee"
This dialogue went on for the whole day...including conversations about what would happen if the earth was closer to the sun and how God put us perfectly in place to not get burned up...
You know what this did...created a FEAR in Jakey of the sun...the kid would not leave the house today...THE SUN WILL BURN ME UP I SCARED!
I had to bribe him with chocolate to get him outside...
Evan is 5 months
Creation Lesson
So the first 10 days of Kindergarten focused on reviewing colors, shapes, numbers and letters before moving on and the curriculum reviewed these things with the Creation story...both boys made a creation book
slowly practicing the colors, numbers and fine motor are some pics:
Ben has amazed me at his spatial, mathematics and science abilities. Below is a diagram he made shows the roads to Nana's, the Westernport library, Wal Mart, Martins and the park...His addition skills are so high and he just loves science and experiments of all sorts.
Jake loves singing, reading and anything with rhythm, he also loves to move around so I have adapted my 3 year Preschool to fit Jakey...his work his in short intervals and he is doing so well.

My birth control rage
Ok so most of you know my passion and love for children...
I am Pro Life to my core...I don't believe there is any reason to not birth a child...I know some of you may disagree with me but that's just how I feel...which is why I don't allow you to post to my blog...HA! I don't care what you think this is what I think so there...HA!
No just kidding...I do care...or at least I appreciate your right to disagree...
I ran into a situation recently that really made me mad. My doctor prescribed me a birth control pill that essentially ABORTED a baby after it y'all know this stuff is being prescribed as a birth control pill...
Just so you know...check your your medication information...if I hadn't been reading just because (which is a God thing cause I never read those prescription papers) I wouldn't have known... angered me and everyone from my doctor, to CVS to the drug company heard about it...I would have taken that pill unknowingly and my body would have been able to get pregnant and then release that precious little life...READ YOUR STUFF BE INFORMED!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
1500 mean rabbit food right?

So I put myself on a 1500 calorie a day diet...keeping in mind that I want to do all natural as much as extra stuff added fake soy crap...well oh my goodness it pretty much leaves me to eat like a rabbit...which I guess is fitting since I've been pregnant 4 times in 5 years get it? SMILE YOU KNOW YOU WANNA!
I wanna look like this again but eat what I ate back't there a magic potion or something!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Life from Jake's point of view
So you mom's out there...ever have a kid that you are just seriously concerned about their sanity :) This is my Jakey...
Jake randomly busts a move in the living room several times a singing just to simply shake what his momma gave him
He can be completely asleep in the car and suddenly wake up singing loud and strong whatever song is on the radio.
Every time I fix him a peanut butter sandwich he says "I don't like that" then eats it and ALWAYS asks for more
Does not cry when he is seriously hurt...only when he stubs a toe or breaks a fingernail...serious injuries blood pouring he just jumps up and keeps running.
I love my little loon:
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Just what the doc ordered
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I've always had an issue with fear. It's been one of those spirits and things that the devil has used since I was a little girl to keep me from what I "could" be doing.
It's 5:30am in the morning and I have spent the last half hour praying that God release this spirit from me once again.
I've discovered that God takes it from me every time; he does not wish for his children to live in fear. I remember when I was a little girl crying in my bed at night shaking horribly in so much fear. My dad would usually come in climb in my bed and let me lay on his chest. I know it kept him from sleep and I'm sure he probably laid there wondering...why is she so fearful...I would never let anything happen to her...
Can't help but think that's the way my heavenly father is too...each time Satan tries to cast this fear over me he comes in holds me in his huge chest and casts that fear out and then probably wonders...why is she so fearful...I have her in the palm of my hand.
My illegitimate fear today...being alone...I am convinced that Shawn CANNOT leave me early...and I remember saying that about 100 times last night at the ridiculous of me...My heavenly father...knows...everything...and he is taking care of me and I just wanted to share in case anyone else struggles with fear...GOD IS IN CONTROL! He's like our father with a big chest to lay on when we're fearful but just like my dad there is nothing he wouldn't do to protect his children...he does not desire that we feel pain...but Satan comes to kill and destroy. I will not let him destroy my sleep...GOD WILL PREVAIL!
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