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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Move in survival...and higher learning

Ok it's Tuesday...I know things may get tougher but for now I am loving this home school; stay at home mom life...I can guarantee you I work harder than I ever imagined I would.
Today we experienced an earthquake...I didn't feel a thing...seriously...not a thing. I was so busy trying to get my "mommy chores" done in my 1/2 hour of free time that I just missed it.
One thing I do miss is my Honey...Shawn I miss you so much...shout out to my hubby right now...he has worked and worked and worked getting ready for the school year.
Every August my wonderful husband rushes around to prepare the campus for some 600 students that invade this quiet town. The students change from year to year and have ranged from a bunch of sweeties some years to the nasty hoodlyms (my own word) you could ever meet. It's so interesting to watch them all come in...the social scientist in me just gets tons of entertainment out of are my latest observations (please don't take offense...just the funniness of it all)...yes I said funniness...
You can always tell the rich kids from the poor kids...why? When their parents move them in they park wherever they darn well please even if it's blocking a fire route, street, driveway, sidewalk or access to pretty much anything...they just don't care. This year three very expensive SUV's parked immediately blocking all of University Drive (the only access through campus) I just watched from the sidewalk as my boys played...they sat there watching folks drive over sidewalks just to get through talking on their bluetooth headphones and screaming at their children to hurry up and get their "crap". It's amazing to me how it seems the more you have the less you appreciate (obviously there are a few exceptions to this rule)
I love watching the college students as we come in the cafeteria...they kid of just stare like what is a family of five doing in here for every boys they always find a couple "friends" and it is imperative that at every meal they point and shout "there's my friend" upon their arrival and throw them air fives, air kisses, peace signs and whatever "street" stuff these kids have taught them...:)
It seems that the most beautiful girls on campus...stunning girls...walk around with their head looking down...I wonder why? I just want to run up to them lift their heads and say "you are so beautiful God loves you hold your head high"...instead I try to influence little by little as to not cause my hubby to lose his job and therefore the roof over his head.
Although high school was last year these students come in as if they are still in high school...they immediately form little clicks and start the gossip...oh how I could show them that these things will pass might as well be real and kind to everyone!
Is it a defense mechanism to keep them safe in their minds (less opportunity to get hurt while you are part of a "herd") I'm not sure...what I do know is this year I am determined that even if it's only done through a smile or encouraging word I'm gonna love on these students especially the outcast...there should be NO OUTCASTS anywhere let alone an institution of higher learning...oh and I've been told my punctuation on this blog sucks...oh well I type as I think and the "..." works for me...:)


  1. Your punctuation style reminds me of how our prayer life should constant conversation from our heart to God's...whenever and wherever we may find ourselves. For me it is like starting a chat with a friend and then never ending it...just allowing the back and forth dialogue to happen. So...

  2. I love your thoughts. It's like being there. You are so willing to follow God's call with an open heart! Awesome Renee. And anyone who criticizes another person's blog, had better be punctuating, to utter perfection, their own blog posts...A blog is an extension of you. I like reading your voice!
