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Thursday, April 30, 2009


So today Ben took a pen while I was putting laundry away and drew all over my couch...FUN FUN FUN!
I looked online after trying Dreft stain lifter, laundry detergent, dish detergent, stain stick, soap and saw that they suggested hairspray...I LOVE HAIRSPRAY>>>IT IS MY FRIEND....
Make friends with your local hairspray took it all out....wheww....

Angel Food

Check this out:
This is a huge help to families everywhere...maybe it can help yours...this is not dented cans...expired food this is just good food sold at wholesale so it's much cheaper than what you would by at a grocery store...there are no income limits...this past weekend I saw first hand how awesome the food is that comes from here...not even generic stuff just good food for only 30 dollars...check it out

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So a friend of mine let me borrow her mei tai sling...totally awesome! Then I found an awesome christian gal who makes them locally check out her site:

Today was so busy...I'm so tired...whoo...anyway...good news is JACOB IS BETTER!

Praise GOD!

Also, my test came back great! Praise God again!

I was totally loving the weather earlier and I'm really hoping the warmness returns.

I forgot to post that Ben went to DC with daddy...had a are some pics:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The me I had lost.

I went to get a spa treatment as she calls it by a friend of mine from church today...I knew I had to do something with 30 coming up. I realized jokes about me not being a "makeup person" was really me just saying...listen the only way you can cover up this face and make it look nice is by replacing it or covering it with a paper bag...hahahaha! Tonight I changed my really did make me feel younger, nicer, more complete...I think it makes me take time to say ok renee you are worth looking your best. Am I totally sold on the not go anywhere without makeup idea...oh no no no...but do I totally love how much I can see my eyes and the lips I thought went away in 1998...YES...THANK YOU CHRIS!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Yesterday Jacob started pulling himself up on things...just's so adorable but I see many head bumps in his

Finally got my pics loaded from Easter...don't they look cute all dressed up...please ignore my messy house...Holidays always make it BLOW UP!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Living Here

So, we keep getting asked...what's it like raising kids on a college campus. We usually respond that we love living here and that it allows our children to meet a diverse range of people.
Today, I'm thinking...umm...been there done that ready to move
Did you ever have a day like that? Where it just seems like you are sick of your current situation and are needing a change. There are days when a little house on a hill with a driveway and a mailbox that matches my house looks so appealing. Today is that day...these students are so loud that I have tried to take a nap and I just can't get myself to close my eyes between the basketballs and weights and jumpropes upstairs...stinkin active skinny college kids using the gym...haha...why can't they be more like me in college...lay around and eat!
Anyway, God reminded me today as I was trying to sleep that I am in a mission field...very much like living in Africa and witnessing to people who are surrounded by warfare....this is a mission field...tons of people many who would just like a hug...or to be loved...or to not worry about whether they have a home to go home that is the way I'm going to get through today...I'm gonna love these noisy crazy college students.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The downside of candy

Ok, so I grew up loving Easter. I mean what's not to love...Christ ROSE from the dead, we get a new dress and lots of's awesome...not to mention the full course meal and lots of laying around. Well, now I'm a mom this is how I see it...

I am still rejoicing that I am redeemed because of his blood...thank you Jesus!

HOWEVER, I am now the one shopping for these stinkin Easter clothes and when you have boys there is sometimes such a limited selection that you are stuck pinning your 7mo. old's clothes to him to make them fit...I mean c'mon how comes the girls section is the size of Texas and the boys are stuck with's ridiculous.

Then, the candy...the candy is a whole other story. The "easter bunny" brings candy followed by friends bringing candy and the sunday school teacher bringing candy, grandparents...UGH! What's up with all this candy. I mean seriously when I was a kid we got one chocolate bunny and a handful of jelly beans in the grass of our basket. Now my kids get Filled Easter Eggs, Reese Cup Eggs, M & M's full! They are truly blessed...not to mention the DVD's, pencils, frisbee's, toys, I mean wow!

So, now comes the problem here I am mom knowing that my kids teeth are going to turn green and fall out so in order to help it along what do I do FiLL MY OWN BELLY here I am at 9:30 at night hopped up on Easter Candy I secretly stole from my kids

Monday, April 13, 2009


It's so awesome to have family and friends who love you! I have been blessed with some awesome friends and amazing family...thank you guys so much.
Today was so and the kids had our first playdate at the Judy Center in Frostburg and it was great...when we left I said "Ben did you have a good time" HE said "no" I said do you want to come back next week he said "absolutely"! That kid...where did he learn "absolutely"
Anyway, Jacob scratched his nose with his finger nails and it looks as if he's been attacked by a cougar.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ben is now 3

So today Ben went from Toddler to Preschooler and let me tell you it was so rough for me. I had a rough morning realizing that Ben was not a baby anymore and I was going to be 30!

We got our family pics done today...

Jacob is my little smiler...he smiles at everything...comes to picture day...this is the face he gives...

Oh well...he is learning to crawl and it's so funny because he kind of fakes it...he crawls with his knees but just slithers with his front arms...

After pics the family went to Deep Creek Lake for Ben's Smiley's Ben won 200 tickets playing deal or no deal...hahaha...there were little three and four year olds crowding around him yelling no deal no deal...I mean seriously...preschoolers are taking over our world how in the world do they know what Deal or No Deal is?

Smiley's was followed up by a peaceful mommy and daddy moment parked by the lake while the kids slept...and then onto MONSTERS vs. ALIENS at Garrett Cinemas!

It was so awesome...they did not charge for Ben so it was only 10 dollars to get in and the theatres were so clean. After sitting for 1 1/2 hours staring at the screen Ben jumped up during the credits and yelled..."that was the bestest movie ever".

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This sickness is getting rodonculous (shout out to BOLT)!

So, I'm here beside Shawn who is coughing up a lung...wrestling Ben to take cough medicine and wishing Jakey Poo would just stay asleep...aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

I guess I wouldn't trade it for the world though. We colored eggs was a lot of fun!

Smiles all around

So in the midst of this sickness in our house it has been a while since I could do anything with Ben without him totally having a tantrum. It's amazing what a little bit of antibiotic will do for a person. Benjamin and I played CandyLand...and he won again!
Jacob decided today was the day he was going to feed himself's so funny...when he actually gets them to his mouth he smiles like...yup did it myself...bring on the t-bone..
Ben says the funniest things...he said today..."umm mommy will you please tell Jacob that looking at me like that is not nice"
I said Ben he's just a baby...he says "yeah well it's still not right...he's got an AGitude"
I wonder what it's like to have a 2/3 year old who actually is not smarter than you...I really feel like the child sometimes!

just the beginning

Hi There...

So, I'm starting to blog...I can't believe it I have wanted to do this for so long.

Today is a great day to kids are sick and lethargic...hahaha!

I am married to my best friend...happily staying at home after realizing I am just not the working mommy type.

Benjamin 3, my first born is absolutely and very head strong.

Jacob 7 mo., my second born is probably the cutest thing I have seen...but rotten to the core.

I spend most of my days hanging out with my boys and at church where I have met the most amazing people EVER!

My husband and I rededicated our life to the Lord and are now working with the youth group and learning as much as we can about the ministry and how we fit into it. Can't wait to start sharing more about mylife and family!