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Monday, December 5, 2011
Happy 30th Shawn
Bunk Beds
I wanna be big!
Evan is so hilarious...he thinks he is big...after several times of throwing himself at the boys when they pass by I think he's finally discovered he cannot he he stood looking at the boys saying babbababababbabababa while they played wii...just hoping someone would give him a controller...
Saturday, December 3, 2011 we come on the five year plan
Ben has a five year plan for Disney World...he says he'll save money in his piggie bank...uncle Brandon will work overtime...and well mommy has to go back to work and he thinks that in five years we can all go to Disney and stay at the Animal hotel when Evan is five and can get on the rides...oooooooooh no a PLANNER born to a NON PLANNER...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Big Boy Bed
My loving father and husband built Jakey his bed. Shawn brought it up in peices in our new Van!!!! WHoo HOo cannot tell you how totally stoked I am...there are just not enough words...
The boys helped daddy carry all the pieces into the bedroom and it was all fun and games till Jakey hurt his love all these guys...thanks dad and Shawn.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Classical Music + Twigg genetics = INSANE DRUMMING
Monday, November 14, 2011
A weird fall day
Just a few weeks ago we were shoveling snow...what in the
cheesenips is going on around here...
either we went
outside to play and it felt FAB...but I'm still so freaked out!
Evan and his cute butt
Tuesday, November 8, 2011 insanity does run in the family
Ok so with no disrespect to my momma...she has always gone a little bonkers at Christmastime and when I say Christmas I mean from about late October till Christmas.
You could always tell her little wheels would start turning...what am I gonna get the kids, how are we going to pay for it, will they be disappointed, do my lights work...she would even let these things ooze out into all around her...
I always said...I'm not going to stress like her I'm going to is my FAVORITE time of the year not because of Santa Claus or gift giving but because everything turns to such cheer...there is an excitement in the air, families come together when they've been apart most of the year, houses become much more exciting and festive, there is always something to's just the best...and also it reminds me of God's gift to me...I've always imagined God giving his son to be born as a human...what Mary must have felt in the last few weeks, oh my...I just love it...
It does make me go a little insane though and it's getting earlier and earlier. I just can't help myself I'm crazy for this time of year.
My house is decorated in the first week of November and I don't care...hehehehe (in a crazy laugh)...and I don't care about the presents...haven't even thought about it!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The cheating housewife tricks
I am the worse housekeeper I know...but one thing I do know how to do is cheat on my housework...
So I was talking to a friend tonight on Facebook and she should write a book of all your tricks...I thought this was funny for me to write a book or post on keeping a clean house cause any of y'all that know me or have visited my home know that this is definitely not my forte.
I decided though I would share my I cheat...on housework...
I dishwash everything...from baby toys to candle holders, sconces, utensil organizer, cosmetic bags, toothbrush holders and anything else that can be placed in the dishwasher, has small pieces I don't want to clean.
I give my three year old a squirt bottle full of water and a teensy weensy bit of fabric softener and let him go to town spraying any fabric...carpet, beds and curtains before guests come over (it's like homemade febreze)
Anything large like baby bouncers, high chairs...they go in the shower...after the boys are done their bath I use that water and run the shower a tid bit...cleans them right up.
I clean my shower while I'm taking my shower...I just keep what I need to clean it in the shower...Magic Erasers are the best...keeps me from bending over a tub and scrubbing getting my clothes all wet...I clean my shower in the nude...don't judge me.
The boys love my Spraying Mop so I let them spray the floor...they love it...keeps them semi clean.
I vacuum my cabinets instead of wiping them out...typically gets all the crumbs with less mess.
I have recently purchased plastic dressers for the boys with those cheap drawers...I put pictures of the boys on each drawer depending on which one it belongs to and a picture of whatever clothing goes in that drawer...that way they put their own clothes away.
I have an idea for in my laundry room that I haven't executed yet...I'm thinking a large bar going across the length of the room with tons of hangers and as stuff comes out of the dryer...hang it up directly...
Instead of sorting toys I let the boys just throw them in two big tubs...saves on the organizing and they can pick up after themselves.
We bought each child their own specific socks with the name brand printed on the bottom of the foot...that way we can tell which ones are Jakes and which ones are Ben's...makes it much easier to sort and match socks...we threw away all colored socks...the boys socks all match each other. Shawn and I did the same with black and white all the black socks of Shawn's match, etc. This has saved us a ton of time.
I throw dump some windex or dishwashing liquid in a rubbermaid and throw it in the microwave for about 3 minutes...makes it much easier to wipe out the microwave.
Shawn hates this trick...If apples get bruised and we don't want to eat them I chop them up and throw them in a pot with cinnamon and boil it then lower to a simmer for about 20 minutes...makes your house smell like you've been baking apple pies all day.
Another fruit trick...old oranges or ones that are sour...shove some cloves in them and hang them up...smells delicious.
When I clean out the refrigerator me and the kids play basketball with the old food...tons of fun...oh and I always clean it with really really hot water...the spilled goo comes up right away
Every few months me and the boys give all toys that don't have batteries a "Bath"...they have fun throwing them in the tub I run super hot water and put 1/4 cup of bleach in...then I lock them out of the bathroom for ten minutes...then go in and drain the water and run the shower a few minutes...then I let them towel off their toys...and they are now "germ free".
Please send me any cool tricks or cheats you use...I love them!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
How I became a pirate
Here are some pics...lousy ones but pics...
The story of the meatball
There once was a boy named Jacob; he was very cute. Jacob had a round face and big huge dimples. He liked meatballs very much. One day Jacob was eating meatballs...he ate one, two, three, four meatballs...then five, six, seven meatballs until he eventually ate more than he could count...Jacob went to the mirror and staring back at him was a GIANT MEATBALL.
He had turned himself into a big GIANT MEATBALL. Whoa Jacob said as he rolled away. He rolled down the street through the neighborhood past the market over the bridge and finally came to a stop at the school. There he sat alone. Jacob looked up and began to smile...there was his daddy. Daddy he said down here...Jacob's daddy looked down at the round dimpled meatball...he said mmmm...that meatball looks delicious. Jacob said Daddy don't eat me...I am not a meatball I am your Jacob...Daddy said you are not my Jacob you are a meatball...Jacob persisted...I am not a meatball I am your Jacob...Daddy said how will I know you are my Jacob and not a delicious meatball...Jacob said tickle me daddy with your tickle claw and you will see that I am your Jacob not a delicious Daddy got out his tickle claw...he started towards Jacob...Jacob started to giggle and daddy look way to delicious to not be a real meatball...and Jacob said tickle me daddy tickled Jacob and the more he tickled the more he knew this was HIS JACOB turned into a MEATBALL...Jacob said Daddy take me to mommy...with one kiss I will be your Jacob again...So daddy took Jacob to his mommy and she kissed her Jacob and he turned back into a boy again...Jacob promised only to eat a few meatballs from now on.
I don't belong
Have you ever felt like you don't belong...
I sometimes feel that way...I have learned something so cool though...
It seems at those time God always teaches me through it. If you feel like you don't belong remember...there are some times we are not supposed to feel comfortable...comfort isn't always a great thing.
So I know this isn't like a life changing blog post but God has just been showing me today that in the times of my life where I have felt I don't belong is when he always shows up big time to help me see where he always where I want to be...
I think about the disciples how many times they walked into places where they only felt they didn't belong but new their presence there caused them and Jesus great danger...
Think about this...
"Those who go to God Most high for safety will be protected by the Almighty. I will say to the Lord 'You are my place of safety and protection. You are my God and I trust you' God will saveryou from the hidden traps and from deadly diseases. He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you can hide." Psalm 91:1-4a
I believe this speaks to our emotions too...not just our physical safety...
when you feel like you don't belong...go to God for safety...if you are somewhere with Him...YOU ARE SAFE!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Pumpkin Carving TIme
Ben and Daddy carved pumpkins tonight...Jake thinks they are filled with cheese...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Oh the boys and their SLIME
Legion Park Hollidaysburg PA
I think that playground developers should take many notes from this playground in Hollidaysburg PA...
The Legion Playground forces children to run, play, climb and most of all use their imagination...with learning opportunities around every corner...we had a blast...if you are ever in the Altoona area you have got to check out this park...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Comfort of PA
The Altoona area has always been my home away from home...Grandma, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Betsy and Aunt Kathy's house were frequent visits of mine and I share so many childhood memories there...Thank you ladies for being such a wonderful influence in my life....
where I spent the most time though Aunt Brenda's...
My Aunt Bren's has always been a place of comfort...I've always felt at home there...I wonder why sometimes...what is it that makes me feel so at home...She was always the kind to really mean...Make yourself at home...from always having extra toothbrushes to sharing anything and everything she had with you...whatever you wanted she usually had and there was no asking...her answer...sure you can have it...don't ask...if it's here it's yours...
I hope my home is as comforting...I hope like Aunt Brenda folks feel comfortable to come in put your feet up, grab something to eat and just chill...Thanks Aunt Brenda for showing God's love in your home...I love you!
Me and the boys spent the week there with Tif and we had a are some pics...and some stories...
This time...the boys made instant friends with the dogs although Ben would still run from them and jump on the couch as if to say didn't catch me...
Jake woke up the first morning there at 6am...wanting to blow bubbles...the advantage of living in the woods...Jake opened the door and in his pj's blew bubbles till he had no more to blow...
Monday, October 3, 2011
Twiggisms...part Jake
Ok so I first started blogging because of the funny things Ben would say around the age of 3...well here we go...Jake has hit 3 and the funny sayings are on like Donkey's some of the latest between the two of them...
I hear this conversation from the boys room today...
Jake says to Ben...Itch my butt...Ben says Jake that's gross we don't say butt...Jake screams But it itches...Ben says Jake itch it yourself...Jake says...I can't my arms short...Ben says fine then but only one time...
seriously folks can't make this stuff up I'm starving...I say Jake you just ate...Jake says nu uh that was breakfast...I say no Jake that was 5 minutes ago...Jake says fine then I get it myself...where's the chili...
Jake to a random guy in the cafeteria...Nice make me one
Read the following with caution...
Jacob still cannot wipe himself so he yells from the bathroom...I respond today and as soon as I walk in he says...stop right there...this is a surprise...I make a shart and a fish...then he points in the toilet to two turds.
A few years ago Ben surprised me with a fascination...y'all that are closest to us remember it...well Jake is there now...every time he's nakey he says mom it's getting so big...see...
Ok...Ben statements...
Mom when are we going to the beach I want to go so bad...I said I'm sorry we didn't get to go this year maybe next...he says fine by then I'll have muscles
Ben says Saturday...can we order a pizza...I said no buddy we're just going to make a frozen one...he why do they even make pizza from the fridge...they all taste like dirt.
Ben says...mommy...I heard God speaking to me...he said he wants me to work at McDonald's when I get bigger.
Ben...Ms. Lisha and me had fun at the theatres...she gave me her sweater to cover my eyes when it got scary...I said yeah...he said I really didn't need it but took it to make her smile.
Ben says to Evan today...You are the cutest baby in the world...except for me...I don't remember me but everyone else said I was the bestest.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
What a handsome bag boy you have there...
So today...for fun...and learning of course...we set up our own Twigg store...the boys took turns being the cashier and shopper and counted out paper money...they had a blast...then I had them buy real things like cookies, juices and crackers for was fun...I was the cashier and Evan was the bag boy...
"Leaf" that alone
Ok so I say all day long...Leave Evan Alone...
Leave Evan Alone...
The boys are always in this poor kids Evan eats them...
Our leaf rubbings tree...don't ask about the blue leaves...I have no explanation...
This week we are studying's some pics...Ben's study on leaves...and the good old celery experiment
Funny fact...Ben's predictions...accurate...Jake's prediction...went something like this...
Jakey what do you think will happen to the celery...Jake says...daddy will eat it with peanut butter!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Catching up for Lost Time
It's so horrible that it takes a loss in the family to bring you closer together...

Shawn and his brother for as long as I've known them have never been close...yeah they
loved each other and would do anything for each other but in all honesty I've rarely heard them enjoy time together or desire to be together for more than holidays...
Lately, they are inseparable...I don't know if it was the loss of their father or if they are just getting older but I'm loving it...
Jessica and I are becoming closer and the boys...well they are just each others best

I always loved to spend time with my cousins and it blesses my heart to see them have so much fun together...
Nana Lu bought these cork guns and gave them to the boys today...they had so much fun shooting them (mostly at Nana) are some pics from our family fun!

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Warning this is one of those read with caution these are just my thoughts statements...don't be offended...this is something I have walked out in the last two weeks and want to blog about for other and to remind me in the future my thoughts and revelations...
So yesterday the boys were watching a Larry Boy-Veggie Tales cartoon called The Rumor Weed...she sings a little song...I'm the Rumor Weed...a tiny little story is all I need to make a big mess out of everything...
Whoa would that preach! God's really been revealing to me the extent of my nosiness...I've always considered myself to be a person that doesn't get into everyone's business and I'm the first to judge someone who does...but the Lord has really been revealing my me! Thank Goodness he's not a rumor weed...anyway...
I hear this statement several times a week...
Have you heard or
I figured it was a small town and you've heard
I'm surprised you haven't heard yet...
Sometimes I am the most CLUELESS person of all...I have no clue what's going on in the lives of folks around me...I usually knock that up as a bad thing that I'm not sensitive to those around me. In contrast I'm beginning to think that is somewhat of a good way to be. Usually someone can be talking about something right in front of me and I block them out...and that all being said God still revealed to me MY NOSINESS...MY HAVE YOU HEARDS...and this is something I want to work on in my own life and something I hope y'all do it necessary to even say "have you heard"...chances are you weren't on a need to hear basis or you would've already heard...
So this week I tried something new and I'm loving it...when someone says have you heard or gives that awkward pause while they're waiting to spread some news...I just said nope I haven't but I really don't want to...or I don't respond to their awkward pause...
Y'all don't take this as anyone or any situation in particular...this has been with Shawn's dad's estate drama and several family situations as well as this wonderful tiny town I live in here in if you're wondering...I really don't know and if you ever want me to know...better tell me yourself...cause I"m gonna keep being clueless and wait for God to tell me who to talk to and increase my sensitivity to the people he wants me to reach...
We christians chalk it up to needing to know in order to pray...if we are hearing from God he will talk to us and say...this person needs you right them...and if your mind isn't so clouded by the junk around us...WE JUST MIGHT HEAR HIM...just a thought...don't shoot me!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sun sun Mr. Mustard Sun
Oh the mother I poor children...
For school we were to make a sun...4 ft. wide and then an earth and moon 1/8 in. and 1/4 in. and paint them...then walk out the steps of how far away we are in relation and size...
I's yellow...
Kids loved it until our house smelled like mustard and the hands smelled like mustard the WHOLE DAY!
And kids are in their underwear as usual...
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