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Sunday, August 21, 2011

My thoughts on homeschooling...proceed with caution

"Children are born persons. They are not born good or bad, but with possibilities for good and evil." Susan Macaulay

I never realized what home school parents go through when it's time to discuss back to school. At the supermarket...around our day to day activities there is always someone ready to ask Ben if he is getting ready for school. "Are you ready for school?" they say..."How's mommy doing with you `going away' to school?" In which Ben usually replies mommy is teaching me at home. Immediately 8 out of 10 times the conversation ends abruptly and the conversation changed to something if the first day of school is much more exciting for a student attending school. I just never realized the bias...and maybe I have participated in it in the past; I'm just not sure. Indeed, I do not plan to home school Ben forever; unless of course I go through and teach myself most of what I learned in grade school. I am sure that although I am an intelligent person and have earned a bachelor's degree I have forgot the important things I would need to teach him and in about three years he would outsmart me...maybe I will spend the summers learning all the basics again before I teach it to him...not sure...what I am sure of though is this:
My son is excited to home school. He is not doing this against his wishes; he wants to home school. I believe I can provide as equal; actually I might dare to say a better education than what he would receive in public school and teach him principles of the bible.
Something else that has crossed my I indoctrinating Ben by teaching him the word of God and our beliefs on the world...ABSOLUTELY NOT!
I seriously thought about this...maybe schooling Ben at home and teaching the word of God would cause him to walk away from everything when he becomes at an age to make his mind up on whether he will serve God or not. The more I think about this concept the more I conclude Ben is going to make a decision (unless God comes back before Ben is at that age)...and he is going to learn from someone how to understand his world...for me...I believe God wants that someone to be me and his daddy.
I say all this not to upset parents who are opting for schooling their children in the public schools or private schools...I ABSOLUTELY am in TOTAL SUPPORT of the school system...I have a great deal of respect for teachers...I taught two years of school myself and know that they deserve a pay trade (similar to the game of life...switch salary cards) with all the pro athletes in the world...and I also believe there is so much socialization and advantages to please don't take me wrong...just felt like sharing my beliefs...I print this blog out and I'm so interested to look back on this in 20 years and see if I still feel the same way...we'll just have to see!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. There's actually a book called "The Social Advantages of Homeschooling" though, it's a common myth that just because a child is homeschooled he won't be socialized (which i'm sure you know!) seeing as your boys are just like any other boys socially :) I have learned a lot just being in and around the homeschool community. I also don't judge other parents for sending their kids to school. some people need to or have to, and it's great to have that option, you know? I just know that this is the vocation God has called ME to do... and my kids are loving every minute of it as well. We get to do so much more, learn so much more, and enjoy eachother on this journey of life than they'd ever have the opportunity in public schools. I don't know that I'm going to homeschool through all the grades either, but I'm so thankful that right now I can :)

    God bless you all on your new journey! I think you'll just fall in love with it more as you go along (I know I have)! We really would love to have you sometime for the weekend and make a fun field trip(s) out of it, so feel free and let me know! :)
