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Thursday, June 30, 2011
Camp Good Grief
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Oldtown Days
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Ben scares the CRAP out of me
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wasted Time?
It so amazes me that kids just roll with things ya know. Here I am with so much on my mind will I homeschool, will I go back to work and send them private, will we move will we stay...will we pastor, will we continue or licensing to get AG what in the world is God's plan and yet here are my kids just loving life!
I started to think...think about how God said to be like little children...I'm sitting here praying and this is what comes to them there is no future there is only today...they don't understand tomorrow or next year or college funds they just know today.
I should just know today...I don't know if I'll be here next year if God will have us in a different area or maybe he will return and I'll be in heaven then all this planning about next year will have been wasted time.
For tonight I rocked my two year old...why? Cause I can...I rocked him and smooched him and loved on him...fed my babies, taught my kids about Joseph today and spent time with the Lord...what more can I ask for ya know?
Who cares about next year...
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Ben decided we should make brownies and cards for our protectors since "we can't give God brownies"
So to Officer Whitlock we made cards and if we can just catch up with are some pics:
Monday, June 20, 2011
Buildings and Excitement
Today Evan decided he was going to smile and smile freakin adorable...I can't stand it! He gets so excited when he sees the boys that this is exactly what he does the arms fly straight out and a big grin comes on his face...
Oh my these boys...This is what we did today:
We built with blocks...for two hours (I'm serious must meet Ben's standards)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Oh how I hate 32
Ok so on Friday I turned seriously hurts like a stab in my heart to say that I am 32. Ugh! I guess I should feel very fortunate that I do not feel 32...I feel more like 22...ha! Greg and Bridget visited this weekend with precious Sophia.
Ben and Jake just desired to smooch her little face much to her demise. Some funny Twiggisms...Ben insists on praying like this...
God is great God is good and we "fang" him fo our food by his hands we all are fed give us Lord our "dairy" bread...AMEN.
So I'm trying to decide why he feels the need not to thank our good Lord for veggies and fruit and only bread and dairy and don't think God would appreciate being is a vampire age folks.
While eating dinner Friday night Ben says umm mom I think you have forgot that we were going to make cookies...I said ummm Ben the night is still young...we can still make cookies...he responds while waving his arms in the air...oh sorry sorry sorry to disturb everyone. :)
Sophia is here visiting and she is crying...Jakey looks at Evan and says umm Evan your girlfriend is crying.
Ben decided tonight to try and make a slingshot...he tried and tried until finally deciding mommy should just buy him one.
Jake says on the way home from errands with me tonight...Mommy where's Ben...I said at home baby it's me and your night out...just you and me...he says ok. I said anywhere you wanna go buddy...Jakey responds yes the zoo please (on a Sunday night at 7pm)
Jake is still pooing his pants...I said today Jacob are you going to poopy in your pants when you get big like daddy or are you going to use the potty soon...he says while rolling his eyes mommy no daddy's butt is too big for my pull
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Nana's Bday Purple Lips and Wetness (gross)

About an hour later I look over in the pool to see Jakey shivering with blue lips...saying I's not cold mommy I seeewious! Later in the evening Ben was playing video games with daddy...he said...ummm I smell poopy...Shawn's like ok...he goes ummm i may need to check this out it may have been a wet one (I know gross right but so hilarious I HAD to SHARE)
Happy Birthday are awesome!

Monday, June 13, 2011
Life is so amazing with these boys...they keep me running and having fun all day! Part of me wishes we lived somewhere warm so I could be outside all year round...I think it just makes us all happier. During rainy days we are happy for netflix and the selection of kids movies...Ben always insists on holding cute...well that's my only thoughts today so tired...this is all I can post.
Boys will be boys...I think...I hope
Ok so my kids are enjoying Wii's Just Dance game soooo much! I'm trying to decide if it's just plain adorable that Jakey dances to Girl's just wanna have fun using his "girly" voice and doing the exact moves as the dancer or
Ben's favorite song I like to move it move it...he dances until sweat is pouring down his hilarious...
Some funny sayings lately:
Jakey says "wolwisicle" instead of Popsicle
Ben was doing his subtraction today and all the other answers he got correct...I pointed out that 5-2 equals 3 not 2 and he insisted he was right...I showed him with fingers then markers...too which he said says I'm right and you didn't go to college so you don't know...HA!
Ben made a birdhouse at the library...daddy has been promising to help him stain it...Ben said tonight...why is dad taking so long to buy stain by the time he gets it I will have to help my babies stain
Jakey points to his nipple and says I has one too mommy see!
Jakey takes a bath...he's sitting in the tub with two gi joes in with's arm falls off...Ben starts to climb in and Jake screams watch out for my arm don't let it go up your butthole
Jakey and Ben are eating pancakes...Jake asks Ben if he's sticky...Ben says no because I'm manure...(versus mature)...later that day Jakey poops his pants Ben says if you want to be Manure like me go to the
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
New funny Twigg sayings:
Jacob and I are reading a book from the Bernstein Bears....Jake points to the mommy bear and says look mommy big belly just like you...Agh :)
Then, Ben talks Jacob out of eating gum threatening it will blow out his butt if he swallows it.
Jacob decides at an outdoor wedding Saturday to pee on the tire of someone's truck when I'm not looking.
Jacob also decides to pee in front of the food table at nana's why? Just because he had to pee and he was outside so to him...that means let it flow :(
Nana comes out to the yard carrying Pappy's 51st birthday cake...she says Jake you want cake he says...why there two numbers...It's 51 how old pappy is...Jake says "ugh why pappy so old"
Jake and I get back from the grocery store...we pull in and I sigh...what's wrong mom...I say well I have to carry all the mom just go get dad he's just sitting anyway :) ha! From the mouths of babes!
There's more:
Ben asks why I'm praying...I say well praying is mommy's super hero power...he says do you really have to power up to those power rangers
Today Jacob says as we're walking back from Martins... behind a woman who is very very overweight and walking very slow...I whisper Ben walk around her and say excuse me...Jake says move your big butt please...I give him the look of death and he adds...I said please
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