Today Ben graduated Preschool and I had the privilege of leading the ceremony. Oh my am I proud of my students especially my little Ben. He has grown so much since the beginning of the year. He began the year at Keyser Head Start but by the Spring I realized my classroom would be much more suitable for him since I was on and off bedrest and could not always make it to his school to get him. In addition I knew my assistant and sub would love on him as he was struggling with the idea of another baby coming in.
He began at Keyser Wee Care and really blossomed making many new friends. Today he wore his little blue cap and gown proudly as he smiled with his new found friends. I hope to never forget the songs they sang including his favorite:
Alligator by Dr. Jean
An Alligator is my friend; and he can be your friend too...if only you could understand don't wear him as your shoe...Alligator Alligator...it goes on and on...so cute! Jacob sat on the front pew looking so proud and singing along with Ben's class...so adorable. (till he started dry heaving...still have no clue what that was all about) hehe...it's always something around here!
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