So it's Christmas Eve's Eve and I have decided that despite my grumpiness about being behind this year I am TOTALLY ready for Christmas...everything is done and I can now's what you missed by my laziness of not posting for all of you huge blogger fans that have not even registered as a on to the posting...
The boys, Shawn and I got snowed in at mom's last weekend and it was a blast...the boys went sled riding but because of the little bambino and it's complications I was concerned I may fall in the snow so I only have this one picture to share with you...Jacob loved going down the hill with pappy. We ate lots of ham and the boys got remote control cars and absolutely loved's so cute how they play together now...running there trucks into each other...Jacob screams go go go...followed by the very clear word "crash".

Cat Cat got both of the boys Aquadoodles...which they love...what a fantastic toy. Loads of fun with no mess...a Mom's BEST FRIEND! Ben especially loves that he is tall enough to reach the sink and insists on helping his brother fill his pen too...Jake mostly just likes to gnaw on the end of the tube...what a kid...everything goes to his mouth including any Christmas gift he can get a hold of...he just wants to chew on it. What happened to he'll grow out of it...all I can imagine is Jacob as a 21 year old chewing on his college bunkbed or textbooks...ugh!
Today we spent the whole day at home as a family...and all of my boys sat on the couch playing video games...Jacob screamed go go go the whole time...Lord please give me a girl to paint my nails with while this male bonding is occuring...geez!

And tonight mommy and daddy went to a friends house for games and Danielle the most FAB babysitter in all the world came to our home and created the most adorable ginger bread house with Ben...check it out! We love you Danielle.